The Centre for Studies in International Trade and International Investment Laws (CITIL), Dharmashastra National Law University in association with the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), Ministry of Commerce, Govt of India is proud to announce Call for Papers for an Edited book on the theme “Recent Issues in Trade Remedies under the WTO Regime”. The book will be published by the Directorate General of Trade Remedies, Govt of India. The selected papers will be published in the form of book chapters in an Edited Book. The Edited Book will be published by the Directorate General of Trade Remedies, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (DGTR) with an ISBN.
About the Centre for Studies in International Trade and International Investment Laws (CITIL, DNLU, Jabalpur)
The Centre for Studies in International Trade and Investment Laws is research and learning centre at Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur. It aims to bring together legal academics, professionals, students, researchers etc., with the objective of disseminating knowledge and encouraging purposeful research in the different realms of International Trade Law and International Investment is Law. The Centre the initiative of a blooming National Law University to expose interested students, scholars and academicians to this intricate field of law which has interconnected horizons with both domestic law and International Law. Hence The Centre is headed by a Director and supported by an efficient team of student research associates. It would be an honest endeavour for the purpose of developing a medium through which various issues in International economic relations can be discussed, debated, deliberated and appreciated.
About the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR)
The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (earlier known as Directorate General of Anti-dumping and Allied Duties) was named in May 2018 as an integrated single window agency for providing comprehensive and swift trade defence mechanism in India. DGTR provides trade defence support to our domestic industry and exporters in dealing with increasing instances of trade remedy investigations instituted against them by other countries. DGTR provides a level playing field to the domestic industry against the adverse impact of the unfair trade practices like dumping and actionable subsidies from any exporting country, by using Trade Remedial methods under relevant framework of WTO arrangements, Customs Tariff Act & Rules and other relevant laws and international agreements, in a transparent and time bound manner.
The theme for submissions is- “Recent issues in Trade Remedies under the WTO regime.”
Suggestive Sub-themes
1. Legal Issues concerning Trade Remedies in Preferential Trade Agreements
2. Welfare Effects of Trade Remedies under WTO
3. Trade Remedies and WTO Dispute Resolution mechanism
4. Trade Remedies and WTO Rules Negotiations
5. Inequitable application of Trade Remedies under the WTO regime
6. Trade Remedies and WTO Reforms
7. India and Trade Remedies under the WTO
The sub-themes are not exhaustive in nature. The Author(s) is not bounded to these themes as they may explore any other relevant themes as well.
Submission Categories
Manuscripts can be submitted in the following categories per the mentioned criteria:
Long Articles: 4,000-6,000 words
Short Articles: 3,000-4,000 words
WTO Case Notes/: 2,000-3,000 words
Book Reviews: 1,000-2,000 words
(The word limit is exclusive of the abstract and the footnotes.)
Submission Guidelines
∙ Authors are permitted to send only one submission per author or a pair of co-authors. Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed.
∙ Manuscripts must include an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract must clearly define the structure and objective of the manuscript.
∙ Submissions should be the original work of contributors. A plagiarized submission will be summarily rejected.
∙ The Centre has an exclusive submission policy, i.e., the manuscripts should be unpublished and not under any concurrent consideration. Formatting Guidelines
∙ The authors must conform to the 4th Edition of OSCOLA rules of citation. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, with Font Size 10 and 1.0 line spacing.
∙ The Submissions for the edited book are open for Undergraduate & Post graduate students, Research Scholars, Practitioners and Teachers in the discipline of Law and Economics. Interdisciplinary papers concerning the issues of Trade Remedies are also encouraged.
∙ All the submissions must be in (.docx) format. They must be word processed and compatible with Microsoft Word 2007 or above.
∙ All Submissions must be made through emails at citil@mpdnlu.ac.in
∙ The manuscript should not contain any information that can be used to identify the author. All the relevant details of the authors and their affiliation must be mentioned in a separate Cover Letter to be sent along with the manuscript. Authors shall receive an email acknowledging the receipt of their manuscript within two days of receiving the entry.
∙ Manuscripts not in conformity with the submission guidelines may be rejected at the sole
discretion of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to send the manuscripts back to the authors for any modification(s).
∙ In case of any dispute or ambiguity regarding any provision of the submission guidelines, the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.
∙ The deadline for submission of papers/chapters is 25th May, 2023. No paper will be accepted after the said deadline.
In case of any queries regarding the submissions, please feel free to contact us.
Email: citil@mpdnlu.ac.in; utkarsh@mpdnlu.ac.in
Utkarsh K. Mishra (Assistant Professor of Law & Director, CITIL, DNLU): +91 7905017038
Romit Jain (Research Associate (CITIL), DNLU): +91 7067239206
Priya Sahu (Administrative Staff, DNLU): + 91 6260188757